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Ethos and Values

Making Learning Irresistible

We strive to make all learning irresistible and transform life chances by:

  • Thinking about our Thinking – Providing an educational framework that promotes the development of effective habits and cognitive structures.
  • Being our Best – Challenging everyone to aspire to and strive for personal excellence.
  • Designing our Destiny – Enabling each individual to realise their potential and become the master of their own destiny.

The five Cedar attributes:

What makes a Cedar Learner?

A Cedar learner is a thinker. They have well developed habits of mind and use thinking tools to make connections in their learning. Staff know that new learning is fragile and sequence learning to ensure plenty of opportunities for retrieval of knowledge and skills learnt through their time at school.

A Cedar learner has a love of learning. They value education and realise every second counts.  Throughout pupils’ time at Cedar, staff create engaging and challenging learning opportunities, making the most of the school grounds and the local area. Staff are committed to ensuring pupils have the knowledge they need to be educated, global citizens. Pupils recognise what they have learnt and feel proud of their achievements. This love of learning will enable them to pursue careers and opportunities, which have yet to be created.

A Cedar learner is courageous. They are empowered to take risks and know they have a key role in their learning. The choices they make allow them to choose their own future path rather than one that has been pre-determined. Pupils and staff strive to make a difference and have a wider impact in their local community and seek to understand, respect and celebrate the differences of our world.

Cedar Children’s Academy is ambitious in our standards and learners and staff strive for accuracy and precision in all that they do. This leads to educational excellence. We are highly respected in the local community and pupils, parents and staff are proud to be part of Cedar.

At Cedar, we have a set of attributes that we want all children to have mastered as they move through the school with us.