Virtual Open Day

Welcome to our Virtual Open Day

I’m fiercely proud of our schools, we put the children first in everything that we do. We believe wholeheartedly that our pupils can do whatever they set their mind to.

We want all children to master our CEDAR attributes. They are for the pupils to be Considerate, Determined , Assured  and Resilient.

As a Thinking School, we strive to make all learning irresistible, we provide an educational framework that promotes the development of effective habits and cognitive structures. Thinking Maps, Keys and Hats are embedded in our curriculum to help our children make decisions, structure their thoughts and order their answers. We use these throughout the school, from our youngest thinkers in Nursery right up to Year 6.

At Cedar, we believe in a strong partnership between the school and the parents – so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We are relentless in pursuing the best and show love, care and hope for all our pupils.

Mrs K Jones | Head Teacher

Advanced Accredited Thinking School

As part of the Thinking Schools Academy Trust, we take pride in the unique approach we take to education: we provide our children with the skills and tools they need to think in a variety of ways and become lifelong learners. The transferrable Thinking Tools that we teach our pupils are designed to prepare them for the range of scenarios, dilemmas and circumstances that they may face in later life as part of modern society.

The University of Exeter’s School of Education – which leads the way in research on Metacognition, Thinking Skills and Creativity – provides a framework for schools to become recognised Thinking Schools. We are proud of our accreditation by the University and this award is testament to application of both staff and students to the Thinking School philosophy.

The six Cedar attributes we nurture in every student:

Part of The Thinking Schools Academy Trust

1. WHO THEY ARE: Affectionately nicknamed Our Trust, it’s effectively the family name for the 18 schools in Our Trust. The schools within Our Trust are situated across Medway, Deal, Hampshire and Plymouth.

2. WHY A THINKING SCHOOL IS THE ONE FOR YOUR CHILD: A Thinking School challenges students to think deeply about their thinking, to be their best self and to gain the knowledge, tools and skills to shape their success in a life beyond school.

The children and young people we're presently educating will retire around 2070. According to experts most of the jobs our children will have don't even exist yet, and this is why developing skills to think independently and become life-long learners is so important.

3. HOW A THINKING SCHOOL WORKS: Our cognitive approach to education defines us but does not create a 'one size fits all'. Each and every member of the TSAT family is equally as important and shares a direction and ethos; put simply, we believe that we are stronger together.

Our schools work with each student so they are aspirational and ready to move forward and understand their role within their local community and beyond. The Thinking School approach to education is unique and we believe that it genuinely transforms the life chances of our children, teaching them the critical thinking skills they need to be resilient in life after school.

Notice for our Nursery Students:

Applications must be made for children attending our Nursery.

Even though your child may have attended Cedar’s Nursery this does NOT secure a full time place in reception.

Application must be done via Medway Council. Please see the information below regarding applications to the reception. Parents can apply directly to the school to have their child’s name put on the school’s waiting list.